TUTORIAL: Create Streamlined Ad Copy in Moments with Hemingway
[The copyrighted images in the original conference tutorial have been removed.]
Overview and Audience
In this tutorial, you will learn to use the Hemingway app to generate streamlined and targeted ad copy in moments.
This tutorial is focused on marketing teams working in digital marketing and advertising, and we will focus on learning to create easy copy for landing pages for your next campaign.
We will work directly in Hemingway to do this, meaning no specialized hardware or software is required.
You will need a few tools to use this tutorial, and we will cover those in a moment.
At the end of this workshop you will be able to do the following
Use Hemingway to create great ad copy in mere moments.
Edit ad copy to improve conversions,
Create fantastic landing pages with clear copy.
About the AI tool(s):
Midjourney is a tool aimed at
Editing writing to improve readability.
Generating new copy using AI.
Before the workshop starts you’ll need to do the following.
Create a Hemingway account.
Create a free Canva account.
Part 1 - Getting Started With Hemingway (30 minutes)
6 steps - 20 minutes
Part 2 - Create Optimized Copy for a Landing Page with Hemingway (20 minutes)
13 steps - 20 minutes
Quiz & Questions - 10 minutes
Conclusion & Next Steps
Section 1 - Getting Started With Hemingway
Step 1 - Join the Hemingway app for free
Step 2 - Hemingway basics
The Hemingway app makes your writing bold and clear.
It's like a spellchecker, but for style. It makes sure that your reader will focus on your message, not your prose.
Most our writing could use some cutting.
Less is more.
Hemingway Editor will highlight (in yellow and red) where your writing is too dense.
Try removing needless words or splitting the sentence into two.
For these examples, I am using this landing page for a fictional task management security app.
Step 3 – Use write and edit modes
Begin your document by clicking the "Write" button.
This will fade out the editing tools, transferring Hemingway into distraction-free writing mode.
Here, you can work out your first draft free from our highlighting.
Once you're finished, click "Edit" to transition back to editing mode.
Now you can make changes with real-time Hemingway feedback.
Tighten up your prose, clear the highlights, and then share your work with the masses.
Step 4 – Get rid of adverbs and simplify
Hemingway replaces adverbs with verbs.
For instance, instead of saying that someone is “walking slowly” you can say they “tip-toed” or they “crept.” That way, your writing is more vivid.
To help you cut the adverb scourge from your work, Hemingway highlights them in blue.
While many people “utilize” big words to sound more educated, you should “use” more common synonyms if they exist.
If your “objective” is to make your writing less verbose, you can reach your “goal” by checking Hemingway’s purple highlights. Mouse over them and Hemingway will give you a better alternative.
Step 5 – Write with a passive voice
Hemingway helps you replace passive voice with a confident narrator.
For instance, “John threw a ball” is better than “the ball was thrown by John.”
While passive voice can deflate your writing, it can also hide deep within.
To help you smoke it out, Hemingway highlights every instance in green.
Step 6 – Format in Hemingway for easy copy and paste
Hemingway comes equipped with a utility belt of formatting goodies.
When you click on your writing, you'll see a formatting bar appear at the top.
You can bold, italicize, bulletize, number, and even turn your highlighted bit of text into a link.
You can also turn paragraphs into different heading sizes.
Section 2 - Optimize Copy for a Landing Page with Hemingway
In this hands-on tutorial, we are going to create a landing page for your next ad campaign with optimized ad copy.
You are on the marketing team working with a new brand Golden Age Glasses. They are about to launch a subscription service. They want a landing page with copy that appeals to their target audience of older men. Your boss does not want to hire a copywriter, so you are tasked with creating the copy as efficiently as possible.
Step 1 - Edit the copy from the existing language
You were given this basic Canva mockup from your UI team: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF5SfQewb0/mttpC3SG8nX2xsFdzptccg/edit?utm_content=DAF5SfQewb0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
You’re thinking that the copy needs to be cleaned up, but are overwhelmed by the task of rewriting it.
You start by opening Hemingway and pasting the first piece of text.
Step 2 – Write with AI
It asks if you want the AI tool to write it and the answer is ‘yes!’
Step 3 – Use AI edit modes
It does not create perfect copy immediately, but here we can start correcting and creating the streamlined copy.
Step 4 – Get rid of adverbs and simplify
To help you cut the adverb scourge from your work, Hemingway highlights them in blue.
Instead of big words, use more common synonyms if they exist.
Step 5 - Use your best judgment
I Iike the extra adverb here, and will keep ‘effortlessly.’
Step 6 – Open Canva and copy/paste.
Starting with the home page, add some of the copy here.
Step 7 – Edit the subscription page
Then, let’s edit the subscription page using the same AI writing tool.
Try and see what Hemingway will create for this lead.
Go ahead and let the AI fix it.
Sometimes, they can’t get more succinct.
The new copy is great! ‘By subscribing, you'll have access to a variety of stylish frames that match your style all year. We've got you covered, whether it's trendy sunglasses for the summer or sleek eyeglasses for the winter. With our subscription service, you won't have to worry about buying new glasses when the weather changes. Simply let us know your preferences, and we'll take care of the rest.’
What does the Hemingway app do?
A. It provides colorful templates for landing page design.
B. It serves as a spellchecker for grammar and punctuation.
C. It generates adverbs to enhance writing style.
D. It helps in creating bold and clear writing by highlighting dense areas.
What mode should you use to begin your document in Hemingway?
A. Write mode
B. Proofreading mode
C. Highlighting mode
D. Edit mode
What does Hemingway highlight in blue to help improve writing?
A. Punctuation mistakes
B. Adverbs
C. Spelling errors
D. Passive voice
What does Hemingway help replace with verbs to make writing more vivid?
A. Conjunctions
B. Adjectives
C. Adverbs
D. Nouns
Which voice does Hemingway help replace with a confident narrator?
A. First-person voice
B. Third-person voice
C. Passive voice
D. Active voice
What utility does Hemingway come equipped with?
A. Image editing tools
B. Audio recording tools
C. Video editing tools
D. Formatting tools
What does the AI tool do in Hemingway for copywriting?
A. It automatically generates adverbs in blue.
B. It streamlines and corrects the existing copy.
C. It enhances punctuation and grammar.
D. It creates perfect copy immediately.
What is the main focus of the tutorial?
A. Creating visual content for social media
B. Designing specialized hardware for marketing teams
C. Generating ad copy using the Hemingway app
D. Creating landing pages from scratch
What is the objective at the end of this workshop?
A. Learning advanced coding languages
B. Mastering video editing techniques
C. Creating fantastic landing pages with clear copy
D. Understanding complex data analysis tools
What is a prerequisite for this workshop?
A. Possess specialized hardware for digital marketing
B. Attend a previous marketing workshop
C. Have a paid Canva account
D. Create a Hemingway account
What tools are required to use this tutorial?
A. A few tools that will be covered in the tutorial
B. Only a Hemingway account
C. Specialized hardware and software
D. Advanced coding knowledge
What does the tutorial promise to teach at the end?
A. Generating streamlined and targeted ad copy in moments
B. Learning to code landing pages from scratch
C. Mastering data analysis for marketing campaigns
D. Creating visual effects for advertisements
Conclusion & Next Steps
Here is a recap of what you can now achieve in your day-to-day work using Hemingway:
You can use Hemingway to create great ad copy in mere moments.
You can edit ad copy to improve conversions,
You can create fantastic landing pages with clear copy.
If you want to go further here are the next steps you can follow to be more advanced:
Use what you just learned to design a new landing page for your company/ favorite client.
List of References and Links
We used information supplied by Hemingway to write this tutorial.