First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
How old are you?
What brought you here? Why are you looking to improve your health and wellness?
Please list your main health concerns:
At what point in your life did you feel best? Why?
How is your sleep? How many hours? Do you wake up at night?
Do you suffer from any pain, stiffness, or swelling?
Allergies or sensitivities? Please explain:
Do you take any supplements, herbs, or medications? Please list:
Are you open to taking herbs internally (like teas or tinctures)?
Yes, I'm open to this
No, I don't want to take herbs
Any healers, helpers, or wellness activities you engage with regularly to feel good? (i.e., acupuncture, meditation, yoga, walking, etc) Please list:
Do you cook? What percentage of your food is home-cooked?
The most important thing I want to change about my lifestyle to improve my health is:
What is your skin like?
Please check all that apply.
Scars (from acne or other)
Prone to rashes
If you menstruate:
Please let me know what your cycles are like, and check all the boxes that apply to you.
I have regular periods
I have irregular periods
My periods are light and infrequent
My periods are heavy and frequent
I experience painful cramps
I suffer from PMS
I have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids
I am going through menopause
I take hormonal birth control
I track my cycle
I have been pregnant before
I am pregnant
I am trying to get pregnant
I am postpartum (had a baby in the past 18 months)
I have abnormal bleeding between periods
Intercourse is painful